Thanks to Simon Wimpenny

Thanks to russtcb
All my wife and I could say was holy shitz………..The show was better then I thought and no amount of spoilers could do it justice, the band is unreal and the vocals were spot on. The best period…………….
Thanks to Rick
Thanks to russtcb
First off, I’ve gotta say that I have the most understanding wife in the world. I traded my tenth row center seats (where she was assured a good view) for seats directly in front of the soundboard. Normally this would not be too big a deal but it seems the Detroit Gay Basketball League had the entire row in front of us. When they weren’t playing grabass they were blocking her view. Not one complaint. She only asked if I got the quality of recording I was hoping for!
The band just seems to get tighter every show. There were some guitar riffs during Nobody Home that I’ve not heard before and Rog had the toy gun out during ITF.
If you don’t tear up during Vera when the little girl see’s her daddy, well you are just not right.
All in all a great evening of music shared with new friends and old.
Review thanks to ravingandrooling

Thanks to russtcb

Thanks to russtcb
Videos from this concert have been removed as Pink Floyd claim copyright on them