Another great show last night, I was on the front row left hand side for the duration of the show. The sound was so loud you could feel the air pressure around your face changing with the bass! It’s funny, when you’re on the rail watching the show there’s so much to watch that’s going on that you just don’t see any mistakes at all! I didn’t spot one last night although I’m sure there must have been a couple of technical glitches somewhere.
Roger has taken to holding the mic out for the audience to sing the line “thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from” during Nobody Home. He did this a few nights ago for the first time and the audience tonight (and yesterday) sang it real well.
Re: the end of Another Brick that I talked about yesterday with the subway train, Jean Charles was shot in London by seven shots, I was sure Roger would have done seven shots on the sound and images that he was putting up however he hasn’t, I counted about 10 last night, this is something I thought Roger would have picked up on!
Apparently Roger was a bit under the weather the night before, not something I noticed or I’m sure anyone else either but tonight he was feeling a lot better and he was very animated yet again onstage. Telling the audience to enjoy themselves, skipping up the steps at the side of the stage and smiling to the front of the crowd whenever he walked past them.
I’m still not sure I am into G E Smith and his okaying style and sound, he’s just not Andy Fairweather Low and I just feel Andy is missed a lot more than I expected but that’s just my opinion.
There were a few problems building the wall the night before, they were struggling to get some bricks in their slots, tonight went pretty much to plan apart from the last half a dozen bricks and they had to remove some to fit the others in. Some of the bricks are looking a bit rough around the edges now and I’m sure they must be going to replace some of them soon.
The pig was nearly sent to slaughter tonight! For whatever reason it kinda sank down onto the floor and went into the crowd, the audience were all over it! Security were quick to go save it and lead it back over the wall to safety!!
For whatever reason my favourite half is the second, I think it’s because the band are onstage a lot more and are visible and you’re not having to look one way or another to see them through the gaps in the bricks. The second set is certainly a lot more powerful. Especially as they do seem to turn the volume up a bit.
Rogers getting into the “Machine Gun” actions now much to the amusement of Snowy and the rest of the band, it’s great to watch the band’s faces when Roger does stuff. Watch Dave K’s face at the beginning of Run Like Hell, you can tell he really enjoys playing that track!
There’s a great part where Roger turns with his back to the audience and raises his arms while the amps and drum kit rise out of the stage floor before the musicians all come onstage.
As I said in an earlier post, I like the bit where Roger ducks down under the animation, I managed to catch this last night. Highlight of the night those was most definately the wall coming down. Some night’s they send some of the rows of bricks back towards the rear of the stage and some towards the front of the stage. 90% of it came down towards the front tonight and not only that but it came down in two huge sections. The top three rows fell towards the crowd tonight and it was like watching it all happen in slow motion. The three rows just got nearer and nearer and NEARER, as the bricks fell what must have been no more than 3 inches away from the front row you could feel the wind that the rows falling created as it rushed over your face! Then the second section of what must have been 4 rows fell exactly the same but closer! Had Maria and I not stepped back at the last minute then I’d probably have a broken nose and facial injuries from the edges of the bricks hitting me straight in the face! It was fantastic! Maria and I looked at each other with mouths open wide and in sheer awe of what had just happened.
Dave threw a guitar pic out for Maria as the band left the stage and it bounced off us and landed under the bricks on the floor, Dave looked SO upset! As the security were clearing the bricks I had a word with him and he picked it up off the floor and handed it to Maria…
Review & images thanks to Simon Wimpenny

Thanks to crazy levi
Although Pink Floyd’s connection to my life reaches back to the age of 3 (I’ve got pictures to prove it!) having been only 10 years old in 1980, I was obviously not in the age demographic who attended any of the original Wall concerts, nor was I able to travel from Massachusetts to Germany in July of 1990. That being said, it was never even a dream that I would ever see anything close to a true “Wall” concert. I figured perhaps Aussie Floyd or The Machine might do something along those lines. So when I first heard rumors (and then the official news) via A Fleeting Glimpse that Roger Waters was actually going to put this show on I immediately had HUGE expectations. I mean it’s Roger-freakin-Waters, right? Having experienced his majesty’s performances during the 1999 “In The Flesh” tour as well as both 2006 and 2007 “Dark Side Of The Moon” tours, I knew that Roger does not disappoint. So I bought tickets for the first two nights (September 30/October 1) in Boston for the ROGER WATERS THE WALL LIVE 2010 tour with rather high expectations. I won’t give away any details of the show since many readers haven’t seen it yet, but I had absolutely no idea that I could be that moved by a concert. I want to say that it was the greatest show in the history of theater rock. I want to say that these two concerts are now the pivot point by which I will chronicle the rest of my life (there were things before The Wall shows and things after), but all of these would be understatements. If you have not done so already, get tickets immediately and prepare to have your mind absolutely blown. Thank you so much, Roger.
Review thanks to Syd Bacon
Videos from this concert have been removed as Pink Floyd claim copyright on them

Article from Gardner Massachusetts newspaper with thanks to Greg Hampton