All material (unless stated otherwise) from this show thanks to Dmitry
We arrived at the venue at 18:30 but due to enormous crowds and tough security checking got to the hall at 19:30. The show started at 19:35. The average people age was 25 and above. The set list as usual with the Flickering Flame at the end. The highest points of the concert was of course: Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 with all the people sang together, Dogs, It’s a Miracle, Set the Controls, 5:06 AM – Every Stranger’s Eyes, Comfortably Numb when people went absolutely crazy. Some people near me didn’t seem to know well “Amused to Death” album, anyway many came to hear classical Floyd pieces. Great, great gig! It was if not in the sky but certainly on the Cloud Nine (or as we say here in Russia “on the Seventh Heaven”). Fantastic quad sound was the same clarity and mighty as at Pink Floyd 1989 Moscow shows. The audience didn’t seem to appreciate much Flickering Flame but it didn’t matter. We’d got good seats some 75 metres right at the centre stage for $35. Ticket prices were from $10 (very far off the stage on the balcony) to $140. After the show I saw some people showing each other autographs taken at Waters press-conference a day earlier.
Thanks to Dmitry
Last night I attended Roger’s second show in Russia on the In the Flesh 2002 tour at Olympisky Stadium here in Moscow. Olympisky is a huge indoor sports arena, although it was divided in half for the show. Holding my relatively expensive ($150) VIP ticket, I had little trouble entering the venue on a beautiful spring day. Security was abundant, replete with metal detectors and plenty of interior ministry personnel. After grabbing a lemon-flavored drink, I sat down and checked out the scene. The show was well-attended, as I saw few empty spaces. There was a general admission area directly in front of the stage, but my section was located right behind and, more importantly, it had seats. This was key, as I would not have been able to stand for long. I am still battling a nasty cold, and even had to stay home from work just two days earlier. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, was going to keep me from seeing this show. After all, I had originally planned on seeing Roger at Jones Beach in 1999, but unfortunately had to give up my tickets to return to my wife and young daughter in Moscow. So when I heard Roger would be coming to Russia, I couldn’t believe my good luck. Thanks for giving me a second chance Roger!
I’d rather not dwell on the setlist (standard) or the music (sublime), as others have done more than an adequate job. But certain parts of the visual show undoubtedly had a particular resonance for members of the audience. The first occurred as a photo from Roger’s 1990 Wall show in Berlin was shown on the background curtain. It read “BRING THE BOYS BACK HOME” projected on the huge wall at Potzdammer Platz (ah yes…those photos brought back some vivid memories of being at that show – was it really twelve years ago?). In light of the ongoing war in Chechnya and the thousands of dead and wounded Russian soldiers, this phrase surely had special meaning for many. The second special moment was at the beginning of Southampton Dock, when Roger sang “Brezhnev took Afghanistan….”. The third moment occurred during the beginning of Perfect Sense, when a huge submarine is shown on the screen. Many of you may remember the tragedy of the Kursk, a Russian nuclear sub that sank in the Barents Sea back in August 2000 after a faulty torpedo test. Incidentally, I noted that Roger’s launch of a torpedo (actually two) was successful, and that the oil drilling rig took direct hits and was destroyed.
The sound from where I was sitting was just superb, couldn’t have been any better. Some of the best sound I’ve ever experienced at a concert in fact. The surround effects were wonderful, and the soundscape during the intermission had people looking all around the arena for birds, bees, dogs and other creatures (not to mention a tractor and a lawn mower). By the way, was this the same soundscape heard during the 1994 Floyd tour? In any event, the background projections were fantastic, and they seemed to complement the music perfectly. The pictures and short film clips of Syd and the early Floyd were a particular treat. The crowd was one of the most mature I have ever been around – it seemed that 75% of the people there were 30-50 years old. Not that I object mind you, as they were very well behaved. It was merely a change of pace from the usual raucus party scene you usually encounter at a “rock” concert. Or maybe I’m just used to attending concerts in the U.S. Anyway, I’m sure many in the crowd had never had a chance to see Roger or Pink Floyd for that matter, as the last year either performed in Russia was 1989.
In sum, this show was very special for myself as well as many in the audience. There were several moments when I was chilled to the core by the wonderful music and the realization that I was in the presence of one of my all-time musical heroes. I hope the band enjoyed their visit to Moscow as much as we enjoyed watching and listening to them.
Erik in Moscow
I just want to thank Erik for everything he said about show. I was there, sitting about line or two behind him. So I think I got eveything and ehh… there is smth. I want to add:
1. During the MONEY footage there was Russia ruble coin spinning:) I think it would made specially for shows in Russia.
2. In the end of Amused To Death there are names… Names on the wall of the war heroes… And first group of them was Russian soldiers names…
And want to add that it was very impressive – all these names with Alf Razzell footage in the end of ATD.
I agree that audience was quiet… Especially during SOYCD 6-9… Band played it very powerful and there was a sort of intimacy between band and audience during this song and some more times, I wish Roger and band liked it:)
Part 1:
In the flesh
The happiest days of our lives
Another brick in the wall (part 2)
Get your filthy hands off my desert
Southampton dock
Pigs on the wing (part 1)
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond (parts 1-5)
Welcome to the machine
Wish you were here
Shine on you crazy diamond (parts 6-9)
Part 2:
Time / Breathe (reprise)
Every stranger’s eyes
Perfect sense (part 1)
Perfect sense (part 2)
The bravery of being out of rage
It’s a miracle
Amused to death
Brain damage
Comfortably numb
Flickering flame
Thanks to both Darkside & Kir
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Thanks to Alex

Thanks to Alex

Ad from Classic Rock April 2002. Thanks to Darkside

Ad from Classic Rock April 2002. Thanks to Darkside
Above & Below – Front & Back of ticket.

Thanks to Darkside

New Musical Express half page advert

New Musical Express