Above photos thanks to octavio001331
Approximately 90,000 people attended the two days the unforgettable show of the Tour Rattle That Lock at Allianz Park in Sao Paulo, David Gilmour, repeated the set list of the shows he resurfaced in Europe in 2015. Wish You Were Here, Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Comfortable Numb were sung by everyone in the Arena, a spectacle!
On Friday some problems in the low Guy Pratt had stopped the concert twice, but nothing to take away the shine of the night! Every stop the fans were singing …. ole ole ole hello Gilmour, Gilmour. It was ecstasy, David Gilmour was on stage!

Our good friend Joaquim Arnês Filho flies the AFG banner once again!
Above photos & review thanks to Joaquim Filho. Photos taken by Juliana Arnes and Gislaine Vicentini
The gig was fantastic! After 50 years, DG finally came to SA!
I attended second night in São Paulo. Set list was the same, but the crowd was standing up (first night everybody was sat)
It’s impossible to describe what happened that night…let me try…
50.000 people singing along…many many times louder than the band. People crying their eyes out…too much emotion and lots of mixed feelings…Sound was pretty good. DG was clearly happy and delighted. There are many filming from the crowd. Maybe, Marc Brickman is right and the second night in São Paulo was the greatest Gilmour’s concert ever.
I remember back in 2002, Water’s In the Flesh Tour, first night in São Paulo was deemed the BEST concert ever in Brazil’s history. Let’s wait for the Blu ray.
I bet Buenos Aires’ concerts (Argentina) will be tremendous too!
Personally, I had the opportunity to attend to Waters’ gigs 3 times (2002 In the Flesh, 2007 Dark Side and The Wall in 2012, all in Brazil) plus 3 times Aussie Floyd and Brit Floyd (London and US) and for sure, all of them (even the tributes) were unique and special.
Main difference I think is that Waters RUNS the show, and Gilmour IS the show itself. Quite understandable, one plays bass and the other sings and plays guitar…
Anyway, returning to the concert, what a remarkable set! First time in SA of classics like high hopes (I got married with this song), sorrow, fat old sun and astronomy domine! The sequence with today, sorrow and run like hell is simply amazing! Only downsides I can point out were “the girl in yellow dress (I’ll never understand what this song is doing on the set list, specially in an outdoor venue!) and Gilmour’s voice from the second part and on (he was “loosing” his voice, getting hoarse) About the public, it’s such a pleasure to see 3 generations gathering together to celebrate pink floyd heritage!
To conclude:
The band is just fantastic
That is really what I think
Oh by the way, which one’s Pink?
It doesn’t matter! I figured this out as soon as I left my first Waters concert in 2002! Lucky us, specially my generation (when Waters left PF, I was a kid), that had the chance to enjoy both Floyd version during the last decades!
And of course, a big thanks to Col and other mates from this website for letting us know in advance such great news as the tours and releasing of albums. I’ve been following pinkfloydz.com since the beginning and it’s about time to thank you all.
And last, once more, it was proved that the legend of PINK FLOYD is alive and shinning…
Review thanks to aonde

Ticket scan thanks to Edison Vaz Melonio